Thursday 21 March 2019

What is your consent policy in an emergency?

What is your consent policy in an emergency?
In the event that the patient can not sign informed consent and there is no relative (parent or child) authorized to sign consent, all hospitals have a plan in place to make certain the patient gets the studies that need to be done. The Johns Hopkins policy is listed below:

A health care provider may treat an individual who is incapable of making a medical decision without consent when all of the following apply:
  • The treatment is of an emergency nature
  • A person who is authorized to consent is not immediately available (III.A.1-7); and
  • The attending physician determines that, with a reasonable degree of medical certainty, the life or health of the patient would be affected adversely by delaying treatment. The attending physician must document this decision. Under these circumstances, the health care provider may proceed with the intervention, documenting in the medical record the nature of the emergency.
  • This section does not authorize any treatment, even in an emergency, if the health care provider knows that the treatment is against the wishes of the patient.
  • Minor patients may give consent for their own treatment in an emergency if the delay in treatment would adversely affect their life or health.
Reference: The Johns Hopkins Hospital Interdisciplinary Clinical Practice Manual (2005). Retrieved April 14th 2008

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