Sunday 10 March 2019

IV Contrast

Why do we use IV contrast material ?

IV contrast is the critical part of CT Scanning regarding of the clinical.I will give some reason that we provide the IV contrast of CT scan in example below : 

  • 1. CT Brain : That suspect stroke , Perfusion , Tumor. 
  • 2. CT Chest :Role out Pulmonary Embolism , Aortic Dissection, Tumor , Metastasis . 
  • 3. CT Liver : Help to detect presence mass in liver .
  • 4. Pancreas : Detect the pancreatic tumor or mass .
  • 5. Kidney   :  Presence acute pyelonephritis or renal neoplasm .
  • 6. Small Bowel : Detect the ischemic bowel disease or inflammation .  

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