Monday 11 March 2019

What about the new “purple PICC/central lines” I hear about?

CR Bard has developed a PICC line designed for use for CT scanning with power injection up to 5 cc/sec.
These PICC lines are clearly labeled with the CT ID tag helping to prevent any errors.
For more info please go to which is the product website (note that we get no support or anything of value from C.R. Bard. This is included to be helpful to our  purple PICC/central lines
"In the ICU, peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) may be an alternative option to standard central venous catheters, particularly in patients with coagulation disorders or at high risk for infection. Some limits of PICCs (such as low flow rates) may be overcome with the use of power-injectable catheters.

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