Tuesday 17 September 2019

What is CT or CAT Scan?

Computerized Axial Tomography Scan: 

A CT Scan is a procedure that combines many x-ray images with the aid of a computer to generate cross-sectional and three-dimensional views of anatomy. CT Scans are performed to analyze the internal structures of various parts of the body. CT Scans can identify normal and abnormal structures and be used to guide procedures.
CT Scans are preferred for numerous parts of the body including brain, sinus, neck, chest, spine, abdomen, pelvis, and extremities. CT Scans can also be beneficial for evaluating the heart and lungs.

Some CT Scans require contrast material to be injected intravenously, administered by mouth and/or by enema in order to increase the distinction between various organs or areas of the body that have circulation.
Contrast administered by mouth is called barium. Oral barium is a liquid contrast given to outline the bowel and distinguish the bowel from other local structures with similar attenuation values. Oral barium is to be ingested by the patient one hour prior to the CT examination. Certain CT Scans require the barium contrast medium to be administered rectally by the radiologic technologist.

Preparation and Special Instructions

Patients having CT exams scheduled without contrast medium require no special preparation.
In preparation for a CT Scan with the use of intravenous or oral contrast medium, patients are often asked to be NPO (nothing by mouth) four hours prior to having the exam.
Patients who require oral contrast need to arrive one hour prior to their appointment to start the drinking process. It is extremely important to drink plenty of fluids after having a CT study performed with the use of an intravenous or oral contrast medium. Drinking fluids help the body expel the contrast medium through normal body functions.
Patients should continue to take their medications as prescribed. If a woman is pregnant or thinks she might be pregnant, it is important that she informs the referring physician. The patient should also inform the radiologic technologist upon performing the exam.

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